"Blessed be the LORD, my rock who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for warfare. I praise you, LORD! You are my mighty rock, and you teach me how to fight my battles. Praise the LORD, my protector! He trains me for battle and prepares me for war."
Our History
Most people understand the benefits of martial arts for kids. It builds self-confidence, goal setting and (when done correctly) virtues very much in-line with our Christian faith. In 2015, when Pastor Bill was deployed to Iraq, he asked his wife to let his own kids continue training by joining a good local school. The search began and the conclusion was “we just can’t afford it!” He realized they were not the only parents that had this same issue. However, he also knew that when he came back, he could remedy this; not just for his own kids but other kids in the community. So Risen Son Taekwondo (Ft. Myers) was born. We run with or without donations and all we ultimately expect is that the kids take responsibility for their own lessons by reading books. Pastor Bill does this because he loves kids and believes martial arts is a huge benefit to them.
Officially, Bill is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, a LCDR in the Navy Reserves and Senior Pastor at Safe Harbor Reformed Church. Regarding Martial Arts, he has been training since he was 13, so that’s close to 40 years. He is not doing this professionally (i.e. for pay) so the debate goes on if he will or will not ever test again. Although his instructors keep bugging him to do it. His base will always be Taekwondo, but he has trained in both Okinawan and Japanese styles by some great martial artist. He has operated a few karate schools and taught Karate, for other people (i.e. to pay for is graduate education) for several years. He has a ton of experience teaching, a ton with the military and with kids. He is unapologetic about his faith but also teaches people outside our church and outside our faith. His goal is simply to be a blessing to the community. Stop by and see if it is a fit for your family.